A Guide on how to write perfect essays:

If a person decides to write something, this involves ideas, interests, and issues that concern their lifestyle. As an individual, creating something significant with their lifestyle seeks to promote their interests as well as having a reason to express their ideas prompts them to measure their capabilities. In this case, writing is one of the most essential outputs for every person who needs something to comprehend. Writing an essay is important because it is an implied perception that allows a person to speak their mind through the process of creating a tangible output. This is because essay is something that translates a person’s value by letting others about their interests and ideas in order to become productive as well as efficient with the operating institution. As a person, writing an essay can convince any targeted individual to know more about the value of trust and interest.

What is an essay? An essay is a writing piece that provides the author with the chance to present their argument over a certain issue. Essay is important because it expresses the thoughts and interest of a person in order for them to become knowledgeable with the interests as well as ideas that could promote something to benefit their values. There is an indication that essay promotes a formal way of allowing a person to show their interest by interpreting their sense of value towards a certain topic. In this case, the recipient of the essay will determine if they agree with the essay as a way to promote their interests over a certain issue. For every person, an essay aims to develop a relationship with the recipient of the paper, prompting the person to convey their issue over a written context that brings a message towards another individual.

Guides on how to write a perfect essay

  1. Always plan: Planning to create an essay is important because it allow a person to convey their interest to a certain topic that will be discussed. Preparation is the key when creating an essay because it seeks to compliment the sincerity of an essay that will be created by an author. Planning is a phase wherein ideas and interests will be collected before it will be undergoing a live action while conveying an interest to accomplish a certain topic. When a person plans, they are going to gather all necessary equipment, which enhances their interests to materialize as they prepare to make a certain essay. Without planning, the essence of the essay’s contents is not sincere because there are interests that are not efficiently applied by the author who did not prepare writing an essay before they will present their argument.
  2. Identify your goal: For every essay, there should be one goal. This is because every activity has a vision in order to accomplish something that is important with their routine. Valuing a certain goal is very crucial when creating an essay because it seeks to promote the complacency of the issue that will be written by the author. If you have no vision, the content of the essay will start to lack substance because the author might be indicating senseless ideas or words that convey no interest at all. Example is when you are going to write an essay to convince a person to agree on a certain issue such as when they are going to sale a certain property. There are facts and figures that can be included from the essay in order to assure that the goal will be accurately and efficiently met by the author who will be publishing the article or the written document.
  1. Concentrate one issue at a time: When you are going to create an essay, the most important aspect is to concentrate on one main issue that is related to the goal. As they say, it is important to have one goal that is very effective than a million of goals that are inefficient at all. If you already developed one goal, it is important to concentrate in that particular essay before you will be focusing on another goal. This is because it prevents yourself from dividing your concentration on a certain issue that creates a distraction when creating an essay. Respecting your main goal is important because it values consistency with your ideas, which interpret a thought that prevents your ideas from running out. Being faithful to a certain goal represents your loyalty to your own convictions and interests in that particular essay, which makes you more productive.
  2. Manage your time: If you are going to concentrate a certain issue or activity, one of the best things that you will have to undergo is to make time for making an essay. Time is a valuable aspect because an author will be focusing on a certain activity that promotes a better concentration on a certain idea or interest. Managing time to create an essay would mean that you are going to value the essay as one of the most important activity that should be focused and accomplished. If you are going to rush things by creating an essay on a limited time, the value of thoughts and interests might not be that valuable and credible. This is because rushing an essay will restrict your knowledge and concentration due to your concern on the time. If this issue happens, creating an essay will not fulfill your goals in the future because it will be rejected by any person who will read it.
  1. Have an introduction: Introduction is the first phase of the essay wherein the author will be directing their visions and goals towards a certain topic that will be discussed and then elaborated throughout the essay. The author indicates the background about the issue, which will be playing a critical role for accomplishing a certain essay as well as conveying their thoughts to the reader. The introduction provides a brief regarding the topic that will be discussed because it seeks to compliment the ideas and activities that the essay will be applied to the paper. Without introduction, the paper will become less valuable because the written topic does not know how to accomplish a certain activity due to lack of substance applied by the author. Introduction is always found at the start of the essay proper where the main topic will be introduced by the author.
  2. Have a body: In every essay, the body should be always presented by the author who will be defining the essay’s structure. The author should consider that the body is the most important part of the essay because it contains the main ideas to credit the goals of the essay. The body is the part of the essay wherein it will be elaborating the main issue to the reader. This is the part where the author will present their argument of their essay presentation, which seeks to convince the reader. The body is supported by a set of examples and figures to entertain the sensory perception of the reader who will be analyzing the essay. The body will be expounding the goal of the writer in that particular paper, which defines the interests as well as the background of the essay structure. Readers or the recipient of the essay will further understand the value of the paper through the body, which allows engagement.
  1. Have a conclusion: In order to close or to make an end with the essay, the author will then summarize the whole contents of the essay by means of presenting the main ideas that has been discussed. Conclusion is the closure portion of the essay, which is when the author will close the communication at the last part of the essay. Conclusion is referred to as the main answer to the abstract or the main statement of the essay that can be applied similarly with a long research papers. Summary will take a look back on the essay’s previously mentioned ideas and references as a way to indicate their point of view towards that particular discussion. Concluding something enhances the goal to be more credible as the author will confirm the existence of a certain activity that convinces the reader whether they will agree or not to agree with the idea.
  2. Check your grammar: Essay is not complete if you will apply the correct grammar within the content of the paper. Grammar aims to credit the clearness of each letter and words that are being utilized in order to convey a message. The author should be always critical when using certain words that will be implied throughout the essay. The spelling should be always correct in every word that is being displayed in the essay’s contents. Wordings should always comprehend with the tenses, subjects, and ideas being discussed throughout the essay. Inappropriate grammar destroys the value of the essay because the reader will be concentrating on the lapses of the grammar than the actual message of the paper. If the reader will find several incorrect grammars at the first part of the essay, they will immediately terminate the paper without explaining the reason behind their rejection in the paper.
  1. Use references: The reference is the supportive structure that every essay could fulfill while conveying their interests and message to the reader or to any person who will be reading the paper. A series of references are found at the end of the essay wherein the author will cite sources that are relevant to the discussion of the essay’s ideas and perceptions. Every discussion should include reference so that it seeks to support the argument being presented by that particular written structure. References credits the discussion indicated from the essay such as the main argument’s ideas. The essay will not be credible if there are no references being indicated by the author because there are no supportive facts that would help to promote the real image of the essay. The reference section enhances the productive aspect of the essay as a way to improve the relevance of the paper’s discussion as well as presentation.
  2. Be always organized: Creating a perfect essay should perform an organized way of explaining a certain data and interpreting relevant facts that will help to estimate the value of a certain activity or issue. Being organized would mean that the structure of the essay will be presented in a way that the reader will be comfortable reading the written material. As an example, the essay should always start using the introductory part followed by the main body of discussion and then ending it with the conclusion of the essay. An essay should not start with the main body then the conclusion and followed by introduction. Writing a wrong essay format will cause confusion with the reader who will be reading a material that is not organized. The concentration becomes poor when the reader realized that the structure of the essay is disorganized throughout the paper.
  1. Always indicate courteousness in the essay: Respecting the reader’s presence is also important to every essay structure. Courteousness is displayed whenever the author would like to touch the feelings or emotions of the readers who will be analyzing the essay inside the contents. This can be shown by greeting the recipient at the start of the essay, which can be integrated through the introduction. Greeting can be also integrated at the end of the essay, which is the conclusion part. Whenever the author greats the reader, it will help to define their presence as a valuable recipient of the essay, which enables them to feel more comfortable while reading the material. For this case, the author will be starting to utilize its resources in order to promote the consistency of the essay’s courteousness by driving more attention to the readers who will become more serious on spending time to read the essay material according to Gray (2009).
  2. Proofread your essay: After creating your essay material, you should always proofread the finished material before sending it to the appropriate person who will be analyzing your work. Proofreading is the process of reviewing your essay material or any context. The purpose of proofreading is to find errors or arguments that are still missing in that particular essay material. In order to write a perfect essay, proofreading the material several times will seek to find the smallest issue that should be immediately changed or removed from the entire essay. Presenting the essay without grammatical errors with an organized discussion plays an important role to improve the dignity and the image. When you proofread your essay, the risk of getting rejected is slim because all errors will be fixed when reviewing your finished paper and then submitting it to the appropriate recipient of the essay material.

Challenges of creating an essay

One of the most crucial issues when creating an essay is the time because it will share an attention for the author. Time can be at risk whenever there are other emergent things that should be accomplished rather than creating an essay. Facilities are important such as owning a laptop, desktop, smartphone, and tablet where you will be writing your ideas before submitting the material to the appropriate person of interest. Being financially challenged affects your time and effort for creating an essay because you should have electronic gadgets in order to submit the paper on time if it requires online submission. A person should be psychologically and cognitively prepared, which is sometimes compromised whenever there are problems that requires immediate attention to be prioritized. In addition, creating a perfect essay is not perfect when the author does not follow the correct format brought about by unaware in the structures of writing an essay.

A Guide on how to write a perfect essay

A Guide on how to write a perfect essay

Essay materials are easily copied because there are several techniques for every corrupt person to take advantage against the wisdom of others in order to satisfy their self-greed. This is especially when the paper was completely copied using a push of a button that replicates the original essay. Writing a perfect essay uncovers a challenge online such as a plight of plagiarized materials that are risking the original interest of an individual to be corrupted by cyber criminals. Plagiarism is a challenge that one cannot prevent. Even if there are several plagiarisms detecting software, the assurance to prevent similar copying issue will not be prevented as related by Patrzek, et al., (2014).


It has been learned that writing a perfect essay should always be aware regarding the proper structures as well as interests that should be applied in the content. This involved discipline in order to create an output that is clear and well-organized. Being interested with the main topic of discussion is also important to ensure that the discussion process becomes interesting. Essay should be always proofread to analyze grammatical errors that can be found in some parts of the essay material. In addition, crediting the sources of the essay values the credibility and the trust of the readers towards the paper material being presented by the author.

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Gray, David Winks (2009). “The essay film in action”San Francisco Film Society. Archived from the original.

Patrzek, J.; Sattler, S.; van Veen, F.; Grunschel, C.; Fries, S. (2014). “Investigating the Effect of Academic Procrastination on the Frequency and Variety of Academic Misconduct: A Panel Study”. Studies in Higher Education: 1–16.